About ESD Czechia
ESD Czechia, is a new approach to self-defense based on the Israeli Empowerment Self Defense concept, designed for a wide population.
ESD offers approaches for managing various types of dangerous situations in everyday life.
Self-Defense for Everyone is intended for children, seniors, women, and individuals with disabilities. It is based on prevention, awareness of one's needs, assertiveness, communication, and setting boundaries. Physical techniques are tailored to individual participants.

The five fundamental pillars of ESD self-defense:
Strengthen your intuition, learn to recognize your boundaries.
Express your feelings and needs, call for help in case of danger.
A fight won is also a fight that didn't happen.
Exploit the opponent's weak points and your body's strong points.
Communicate your feelings and needs, effectively call for help in case of danger.

Self-defense is already a part of school education in the USA, Canada, Israel, and Albania, similar to media literacy or financial literacy. The statistics are very grim: every 3rd woman, every 5th child, every 6th boy, and every 10th man will encounter physical violence in their lifetime. Self-defense education contributes to reducing bullying and helps create a healthy and safe work environment in companies. Moreover, if we defend ourselves against an aggressor, we have a chance of success in over 80% of cases.