
ESD Czechia team

The founder of the project is Linda Štucbartová, who is also the first certified instructor of Empowerment Self-Defense in the Czech Republic.

She is a member of the Executive Board of the Czech-Israeli Mixed Chamber of Commerce, an instructor, and a coach specializing in leadership, communication, and negotiation for over 20 years. The practicality and applicability of the ESD concept, even for those without prior experience in combat sports, intrigued her the most.


Linda at Disrupt HR

Our lectors:

Lada Jirkalová

Lada has been a certified ESD instructor since May 2022.

She focuses on working with children, adolescents, and training women who may not seek traditional self-defense training.

In the ESD concept, she values the opportunity to acquire necessary techniques that are not solely physical in nature.

Among the five principles, she particularly enjoys the principle "Yell," which involves working with the voice.

Kateřina Hebelková

Kateřina, the founder of the company Hormed, is joining the Empowerment Self-Defense team as an ambassador and facilitator for the healthcare sector.

She was attracted by the comprehensive approach based on the 5 principles, especially in light of the increasing aggression from patients towards healthcare personnel.

She also values the detailed focus on communication because, even in this aspect, it's important to support healthcare professionals in a way that fosters mutual trust and enhances overall effectiveness and collaboration, eliminating potential barriers that undermine trust.

Nina Moravcová

Nina personally experienced the Empowerment Self-Defense workshop during her time at Generali insurance company.

She actively engages with diversity issues, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and conscious parenting.

Empowerment Self-Defense is built on respectful communication, strong relationships, and creating a safe environment. This applies to companies, nonprofit organizations, schools, and families alike.

Certificates and Awards: